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Boston Plumbing and Heating Blog

AC Repair and Maintenance can Make Your Air Conditioner Work Great - Worcester, Boston, MA

10 Jul 2014

You have to make sure that you have the right air conditioning system in Boston, MA installed for your comfort all throughout summer. The AC also needs the proper maintenance to ensure low energy consumption and low running expense.

Your central AC may breakdown due to improper installation or long and frequent use. As experts in AC repair and maintenance services, Greater Boston Plumbing and Heating understands that to make the most of your summer your air conditioner needs to provide you with comfortable and efficient cooling. That is why you should repair AC problems right away.

The most common problem for AC units in the summer is that they do not disperse cooled air or they are noisy when running. When your air conditioner does not cool the air, usually the condenser or compressor may be obstructed by debris which stops the cool air. There may be cases that the filters are dirty making it hard for your AC unit to cool the air. This can be solved by competent and careful cleaning.

There may unnecessary noise coming from your air conditioner. Loose screws and mechanical friction may be the causes for odd noises coming from your AC. This problem can be easily fixed.

For more information, contact the experts in air conditioner repairs in Boston, MA at Greater Boston Plumbing and Heating.

Air Conditioning Repair and Maintenance Keeps You Cool and Comfortable During the Summer - Worcester, Boston, MA

10 Jul 2014

The last thing you want to experience during the hot days of summer is a central air conditioner system breakdown. That's why maintenance, repair, and upgrades should be done before the season starts. So when the warm season comes, you will have nothing to worry about. However, if you do suffer an AC breakdown you need air conditioner repair in Worcester, MA.

Your cooling system in Worcester, MA needs to be serviced on a regular basis for optimal performance. Doing so will save you money and energy while you stay cool all summer.

There are a few basic air conditioning repairs that should be performed regularly. It is best to call an expert from the Greater Boston Plumbing and Heating. Doing repairs on your own, in order to save money, can often cause more problems down the line. As a result, this can cause you to spend more money on repairs that you would have to begin with.

Keep cool and comfortable during summer with the AC repair and replacement experts at Greater Boston Plumbing and Heating.

Bathroom Remodeling: Repairing or Replacing a Showerhead to Save Water - Boston, Worcester, MA

01 Jul 2014

Summer can be the perfect time to consider bathroom remodeling in Boston MA or it may be time to upgrade a particular item in it. There are a lot of ways to spice up the bathroom by adding a little something extra. But wouldn't it be best to start by taking care of any plumbing issues at home first.

A showerhead is a relatively inexpensive item but replacing a clogged or inefficient one before summer strikes can significantly reduce the summer water bill. Replacing the shower head, or other bathroom plumbing fixtures, can help save up to 7 gallons of water/minute without needing to reduce the water pressure. If you are looking for inexpensive ways to save water, then replacing the showerhead is a good bet. In fact, it can help you save on your energy bill as well.

This is the season when we use water the most, there is no better way to start off the summer than by reducing water usage. We can help you plan and execute any replacement, repair, and remodeling that you've been planning for your bathroom.

Summer is here and now that the nice weather is here, this is the perfect time to take care of any plumbing issues at home. Often, plumbing issues occur in the bathroom. For a more creative and convenient means to improve your bathroom and its plumbing system contact a professional plumber in Boston, MA now.

Professional Plumbers Will Seal the Leak in Your Plumbing System – Worcester, MA

23 Jun 2014

It is summer and the splash of water is tempting. No wonder outdoor water consumption during this season contributes largely to more than half of the water consumed in many households. This percentage will increase if there are leaking pipes that need to be fixed in your plumbing system at home.

Even a small water leak can waste gallons of water each month. So it is good to find and seal the leak as early as possible. For those concerns, the Greater Boston Plumbing & Heating can provide you with superb plumbing services from repairs to replacements, to draining and cleaning.

Water faucets and hoses must be checked regularly for leaks especially if you are planning to have an outdoor bathroom or pool house. This is to make sure everything plumbing related is in working order and that you are not wasting water. Water leaks can also be present in your outdoor sprinkler system. Having a wet spot on your lawn may indicate a leak in which water is being absorbed into the ground.

Your swimming pool can also malfunction and cause a continuous cycle of pumping in water and draining out water when it is not necessary. If there are plumbing repairs that are needed, it is best to contact a professional plumber in Worcester, MA immediately.

It is always fun to be under the sun and beat the heat with water. However, remember to conserve water during summer. It is important to use water resources more effectively in your community. For more information, contact Greater Boston Plumbing and Heating.

Bathroom Remodeling: Designing and Building the Bathroom of Your Dreams - Boston, MA

18 Jun 2014

When is the best time for bathroom remodeling in Boston, MA? Anytime.

If you plan to stay in the home where you currently live, then why suffer with dated decor or ugly bathroom fixtures? Remodeling is your best option to make your bathroom more livable and practical. Create a plan or make a list of what you would want to include in the new layout with specific a time frame and budget. Evaluate your current bathroom. Determine what is lacking and decide on what you want to change.

Updating a bathroom is one of the best ways to boost the overall resale value of your home. If you are moving soon and plan to resell your house, remodeling the bathroom can pay off in a higher resale price. It will also result in a faster sale.

If you have the skills and patience, you may be able to do some of the remodeling on your own. However, plumbing work is best left to the remodeling professionals at Greater Boston Plumbing and Heating. It is always important to replace those faulty faucets, out-of-date plumbing, or leaking toilets. Choose the perfect bathtub or sink to make your bathroom more functional and attractive.

For whatever purpose, it is important to know how much you want to spend before you start remodeling your bathroom. Make smart choices on the kind of material you want to use, the fixtures and get the right plumber to do the job.

Regardless of if you want an upgrade or a full remodel of your bathroom, consult the professionals at Greater Boston Plumbing and Heating.

Consider Replacing Your Air Conditioner - Boston, Worcester, MA

05 Jun 2014

During the hot and humid summer, your air conditioner is your lifeline. Keeping it operating optimally at home is important for a number of reasons. It allows you to save money on your home energy bills and save time with fewer, if any, system breakdowns.


Constant AC system breakdowns may mean you have to replace the old with a new one. Frequent AC repairs may cause you to spend more money than actually purchasing a new air conditioner. So stop the hassle of repeated repairs and opt for air conditioner replacement in Greater Boston, MA instead.

Any home cooling system that is more than 10 years old should be replaced. It may function, but it is functioning inefficiently and approaching the end of its useful life. AC replacement can help you save 10-20 percent on your electric bill. Your new AC system promises efficiency in energy consumption and provides efficient cooling time and temperature.


Your AC system will cost you more money if it does not operate optimally. It is always good practice to have your AC checked or inspected by your local AC service company in Greater Boston, MA. This way you will know when it needs to be replaced, and you can address it rather than going through the hassle and expense of needless repairs.

The weather in Greater Boston can get very uncomfortable during summer time. When that happens, you want nothing but a cooling system that operates properly. To avoid unplanned shut downs, have your air conditioner replaced. This will keep you from incurring excessive repair costs.

By calling the experts at Greater Boston Plumbing and Heating, you can conveniently deal with either repairing or replacing your home air conditioner.

Outdoor Showers: Splash in One this Summer – Greater Boston

29 May 2014

As the economy picks up, bathroom remodeling has again become a trend. Outdoor living spaces have also become popular. And, now that it is warmer, more and more homeowners are building outdoor showers. They are usually installed to complement the swimming pool at home or for homes on the water.

Outdoor showers do not require much space. Even without the excuse of swimming pools, a lot of homeowners have discovered and experienced how convenient and fun it would be to shower in the great outdoors. This type of space may be perfect for your lifestyle.

During these warm months, many homeowners want a better, more convenient space to wash up after playing in the pool, doing yard work, splashing in the ocean or enjoying other types of outdoor activities. Apart from feeling instantly fresh, outdoor showers keep the inside of your home cleaner longer because you have no water nor dirt to mop up.

Outdoor showers are practical particularly for those who live near the ocean. Showering outdoors instead inside prevents beach sand from being tracked and trapped indoors. Not to mention it is more fun and refreshing to shower under the open sky with the soft breeze.

But outdoor showers are not just for beach houses. These are also perfect for those garden enthusiasts who work hard in the garden on a hot day, for those children who need to clean up after playing outdoors on warmer months, and for those owners who have large pets like dogs to bathe and groom and for those who have pools.

Professional plumbers in Greater Boston can install outdoor water lines for both hot and cold water with shutoff valves to keep the pipes from freezing during winter. They can even include a draining system so the water will not settle around the foundation.

Greater Boston Plumbing & Heating experts can help you in installing a stand-alone shower away from but just near your house as it requires a complex plumbing and drainage system. After the installation, you can style your shower with your personal touch and go on having fun in the sun.

Benefits of Using Sprinkler Systems on Your Lawn and Yard –Boston, Worcester

21 May 2014

Today, outdoor plumbing has shifted because backyards and lawns are being upgraded with modern irrigation systems. Irrigation or sprinkler systems is one of the most popular outdoor plumbing projects in the Boston area.

Most garden enthusiasts make use of irrigation systems or sprinkler systems because it helps them use water efficiently and economically.

Automation of lawn care is the number one benefit from a sprinkler system. It keeps you from worrying about watering not just your lawn, but also your plants and flowers.

The sprinkler system allows its users to customize their watering style to match the requirements of their lawn or yard which are different sizes and shapes and have different types of grasses and plants that need different amounts of watering.

With better outdoor plumbing in your sprinkler systems, you can now eliminate timing concerns when it comes to keeping your lawn looking lush rich and green. Irrigation sprinklers have irrigation timers. For example, you can set your watering for early morning or late evening, to maximize your water use, and you can set your sprinkler system to turn off after the appropriate amount of time.

A sprinkler system now comes with micro-sprayers which allow homeowners to adjust the spraying patterns to match the specific water needs of their lawn. It can also be adjusted for water conservation, especially during a water ban or drought. The sprinklers can also be adjusted to water only a little at a time to prevent the risk of wasting water.

Outdoor plumbing not only provides you with a sprinkler system, it can also be a valuable investment that can help increase the value of your home when it comes time to sell. For more information, contact Greater Boston Plumbing and Heating.

Address Furnace Heating Problems – Worcester, Boston

16 May 2014

If you have furnace problems, there is no need to panic.

Sometimes your furnace may not be heating because of the circuit breaker, pilot light or thermostat. When the circuit breaker, the pilot light, or the thermostat batteries have problems, your furnace may not function properly. So make sure to check these things first and replace a blown fuse and dead batteries or light the pilot light. If none of the above are the issue, then there might be a larger problem going on with your furnace that only a heating professional can solve.

Your furnace may not be heating enough. A furnace with a dirty filter or leaky duct may mean that the furnace is not delivering enough heat. Debris in the furnace's air filter blocks the flow of hot air needed to heat your home. Also, leaky ducts allow warmed air to escape, creating cold spots. Air filters need to be cleaned or replaced and leaky ducts should be sealed by a heating professional in Boston.

A furnace must be checked every regularly. A professional plumber can check the possible causes of the problems with your furnace. Do not neglect furnace maintenance and you will lower your expenses, especially on your energy bills during winter.

Many furnace issues require professional to fix them. Call Greater Boston Plumbing & Heating now for concerns on heating and air conditioning systems.

Things Your Plumber Doesn’t Want You To Do – Boston, Worcester

07 May 2014

You have a clogged toilet again. To help you avoid any future clogs, floods or plumbing problems, we asked plumbers to share their customers’ biggest mistakes—and how they can be avoided.

1. Reach for the Drano.

Forget using chemicals to open or clear drains—they rarely get the job all the way done. Plus, not only are the chemicals very harsh and dangerous for you to handle, they can also ruin drain pipes and the equipment used to clear the stoppage. Hint: To prevent blockages in the first place, keep notorious cloggers like grease and hair out of drains.

2. Use the toilet like a garbage can.

Even if they’re labeled “flushable,” don’t toss feminine hygiene products, personal cleaning wipes, toilet scrubbers, make-up remover pads or cat litter into the toilet. The fact is, they don’t disintegrate quickly enough and can ultimately block the drain pipe.

3. Handle the plumbing problems yourself

Don’t try to diagnose and fix a plumbing problem yourself, or hire a handyman to do plumbing work. Plumbers can find and correct a problem faster than an amateur can, which will save you money in the long run.

4. No idea where the main water valve is.

Don’t be in the dark when it comes to knowing the location of the main water valve and every emergency shut off valve in your house. And while you’re at it, learn how to turn off these valves. It’s easy but if you’d prefer to have pro show you how, many plumbers will check emergency shut-off valves at no charge.

5. Use drop in toilet fresheners.

Ditch the drop-in tank toilet fresheners. You may love the blue water it makes in your toilet bowl, but these tablets often contain chemicals that wear out working parts inside the tank. Plus, as these tablets disintegrate, they can get stuck in the flush valve and prevent the toilet from flushing.

6. Forget to replace the hoses.

Water hoses don’t give any warning before they burst, so avoid a potential flood by changing out rubber hoses on washing machines and dishwashers every five years. When you do replace them, use stainless steel on all water lines, if possible.

7. No leak protection system.

Don’t skimp on water leak protection. It only costs a few hundred dollars to get a water leak protection system that offers both an alarm and a main water shut-off should a leak occur in your water heater, dishwasher, sinks and more.

8. The hot water heater is outdated.

Don’t think your tank water heater will last forever—the average lifespan is 8-12 years. Just like toast tends to fall butter-side down on the floor, your 20-year-old tank will inevitably fail and flood while you are on vacation.

9. Overload the garbage disposal.

Be kind to your garbage disposal: Don’t pour grease into it (the goopy stuff will eventually solidify and clog the drain), and don’t put in fibrous food like celery and artichokes. Also avoid pushing through large amounts of garbage at once. Instead, feed garbage slowly into the disposal with cold running water.

10. Mess with the water heater’s pressure valve.

Don’t try to drain your water heater or test the temperature and pressure valve yourself. These need to be done professionally. If the valve is not properly removed, the pressure from the tank can disperse scalding hot water that could cause serious burns as well as property damage.

For help with plumbing problems, contact Greater Boston Plumbing and Heating.